
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bronchitis Is The Inflammation Of The Bronchi. It Maydevelop Suddenly,

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi. It maydevelop suddenly, following a head cold (acute bronchitis), or itmay persist or return regularly for many years, causingprogressive degeneration of the bronchi and lungs (chronicbronchitis). Certain people are more susceptible than others;Men are more of a target to bronchitis than women, out numberingthem 10 to 1 the reasons are unclear. Of course smokers are50 times more likely to get chronic bronchitis than non?smokers. Acute bronchitis is a bacteria or virus infection, oftenfollowing a cold smoking. People who have acute bronchitisusually have a mild fever, soreness under breast bone, irritatedby coughing. First they have a dry cough then the cough laterbrings up green and yellow mucus. The cough may persist to 4 to6 weeks. Chronic bronchitis is produced by other chronicproblem: sinusitis, smoking, TB, etc. The Bronchi becomes thick,inelastic, and accumulate mucus and pus in lower part of lungsinstead of bringing discharges up and out. The result is chroniccough, shortness of breath, sometimes spasm, and frequentinfection. Page 2 ?Symptoms ? * ? ? ? ? ?In acute bronchitis, the basic symptoms are a head cold,fever and chills, running nose, aching muscles and possibly backpains. This is soon followed by the obvious persistent cough. At first the cough is dry and racking and eventually becomesphlegmy. The persistent cough is worse at night than during theday, and when the person breathes in smoke and fumes. ? ?The main symptoms most recognized in chronic bronchitis is,again, a cough, with sputum, often occurring in paroxysms. Othersymptoms in chronic bronchitis are dependant on how much, or howlittle, emphysema is present. This disorder causes the lungs tobecome overstretched, making the breathing process difficult. ? ?The chronic bronchitic with no emphysema tends to beoverweight and often has a bluish tinge to his or her lips due tolack of oxygen. Shortness of breath only occurs during exerciseand other strenuous activity. The bronchitic with a great dealof emphysema, who has lost a lot of his or her oxygen exchanging ability, due to the condition, is short of breath atall times. The bronchitic with emphysema very often areunderweight and, as the disease comes worse, develops a barrelchest. The Chronic bronchitic also wheezes because of theobstruction. ? ?NOTE: Emphysema is a state of overdistention of the tinyair?containing sacs of the lung.? ?( 0*0*0* Page 3 ' ? ?Causes ? * ? ? ? ? ?The cause of bronchitis are from viral or bacterialinfections which spreads to the chest. The body uses defencemechanisms to try to prevent the viruses and bacterias fromspreading the infections. Examples of defence mechanisms aresneezing, coughing, etc. There are also white blood cells tohelp us the fight off the bacterias and viruses. However if newviruses and bacterias enters our body then the white blood cellswill have to take some time to recognize the new viruses andbacterias. Fortunately, a different kind of white blood cellstry to fight off the bacterias and viruses as much as they canbut unfortunately as they are doing that, they are releasingother chemicals. The chemicals enter the tissue that surroundsthe trachea (see page 5 diagram 1) and they begin to expandand swell up. As they expand, they squeeze the trachea (see pg 5 diagram 2). As a result, less air can pass through thetrachea causing a short of breath. Generally, bronchitis occurswith greater frequency in winte r, in damp, cold climates, and inheavy polluted environments. Page 4 & ? ?Treatment ? * ? ? ? ? ?The best treatment for acute bronchitis is bed rest in awarm room. Cough medicines will relieve the cough and aspirinwill reduce the fever. Acute bronchitis that is viral usuallyruns it's course without medication. A proper diet and avoidanceof additional irritants such as smoking are recommended. Steaminhalations is helpful in eliminating congestive mucus. Antibiotics may be needed if the cause is bacteria. ? ?Treatment of chronic bronchitis is more difficult. Thepatients lungs are already damaged and the destruction of theairways are not easily renewed. ? ?Bronchial dilator drugs may be given to the patient torelieve any such obstruction, while physiotherapy will help thepatient get rid of any sputum. Yoga and breathing exercises mayhelp shortness of breath. In severe cases, urgent hospitaltreatment may be required. Oxygen may have to be given throughthe course of

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